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Allenwood animation desk w/ Cartoon Colour pro-grade 12f/16f animation disk at Animate for the Cel of It Productions in California, USA (Pic credit: Pintrest) |
I'm finally enrolled to attend a full-year of 2D traditional hand-drawn (pencil and paper) animation classes online at Don Bluth University starting from September 19th, 2018 through August 2018 and my mom and I have already got the 2D hand-drawn animation supplies needed for the full-year online course!
However, my 3-minute hand-drawn animated student film will feature Mike Patterson and his redheaded girlfriend Michelle McAnderson as an animating couple in 1930's Hollywood and, yes, The McMouser Bros. Cartoon Studios in Hollywood is actually a caricatured play on Walt Disney Animation Studios' original 2719 Hyperion Avenue lot in Silver Lake, California, USA and that's the only two hints I've came up with for this special blog news bulletin! I know, I already got the Cartoon Colour HDTV 12-field guide since the early 2010's (?), I already have lots of blue and red col-erase pencils, I already have lots of Palomino Blackwing pencils, I already have four packs of large-size kneaded erasers and a 12-inch clear plastic ruler and, yes, tons of 12-field acme-punched animation paper (most of it was the 1 1/2 (?) tons of standard American-Canadian acme-punched 12-field paper bought from Cartoon Colour and Lightfoot while the 2 reams of European acme-punched 12-field animation paper was bought from Amazon) for goodness sake! And I also have my MacBook Pro, iMac, DigiCel FlipBook software, Adobe Photoshop software, Adobe Premiere Pro software and, yes, iMovie app.
Wish me good luck on the classes online at Don Bluth University, fellow 2D traditional hand-drawn animation fans online!